3d Printer Prusa i3 build log #1
In the last few days most of the final parts for my Prusa i3 arrived in the mail. Not looking too bad for a sub $500AUD build if I do say so myself.
I had engaged a local guy to water jet cut my 6mm aluminium frame as well as the Y-carriage and heated bed surface. Unfortunately the water-jet operator didn’t set up the tool properly and resulted in my frame not being finished as cleanly as we’d hoped however the owner was happy to offer it to me at a significantly reduced price (which as a student suits me fine). The aesthetically displeasing parts are barely visible once all the parts are on and if I were to be bothered at a future stage a quick polish and coat of paint would easily fix it.
It’s currently moving and homing properly but the el cheapo hotend I bought has already packed it in so I’m waiting for a J-head to arrive.
Parts I forgot to order:
- M3x20mm screws
- not enough M3 washers
Leftover/Unused parts:
- Cable kit.
- Boroscillate glass
- Thermistors (thermistor came both with hotend and heated bed plate)
- Plenty of nuts/bolts/washers/bearings/springs
Build total (so far): $490